Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Fwd: oc catholic 11/29/15 "where have all the bibles gone"

 oc catholic 11/29/15 "where have all the bibles gone"

Stating that "easy access to sacred Scripture should be provided for all the Christian faithful," the document stressed that frequent Bible reading allows the faithful another connection to "the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ." Today, Pope Francis repeatedly asks the faithful to carry a pocket-sized Gospel or Bible and to read several verses a day. The pope even had free copies of a pocket-sized edition of the Gospels given to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square at a number of his Sunday Angelus addresses. "Take this Gospel; carry it with you, to read it often, every day," he said in March. "Carry it in your purse, in your pocket, but read it often. A verse, a passage every day. The word of God is a light for our path."


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9