Saturday, February 27, 2016

LIVING WATER: "30,000 draw water from miracle well" | God Reports

(Remember,the Good News does not always have to come in print et al,but also & sometimes firstly via friendly conversation & relational interactions)
In another location, a national evangelist told
that they used to go into communities, pass
out literature and share their testimonies or
preach. The people were often resistant,
wanted to argue and then chase them out of
the community. "Now," he said, "we go and
make friends, ask questions and tell stories;
and the people then want to receive Jesus and
follow Him."
Preaching, Bible and literature distribution,
and the use of recording devices and other
technology certainly have their place, but it
must be in the appropriate cultural context.
We must not assume that we can take the
same approach everywhere. We should
consider the worldview, the receptor culture
and the context in any situation.