Sunday, September 11, 2016

WE INVITE ALL MUSLIMS TO CONVERT TO CHRIST[ianity] " After Prayer at Hajj, a Universal Treat: Ice Cream "

Dearest Muslims I love you, we love you ,God loves you, but you cannot be saved without Jesus Christ as your Savior will not be saved if you remain Muslim... now is the time to convert to Christianity... to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior ... I invite you to do so right now by saying "I'm sorry Jesus for my sins ,thank you for dying to save me ,I accept you as my Lord and Savior ,and commit my life to you " ....if you can do that right now you can become a Christian wherever you are. I hope you will do so,& if so welcome and congratulations .God be with you ,the Father Son and Holy Spirit [we call This the Trinity, or Triune God]
